Have you always wanted a luxury kitchen potato masher rather than a run-of-the-mill one?Do you want to do something for the environment and use natural products in your kitchen?You don’t want an everyday plastic grater?Then this High Quality Soft Food Masher Potato Masher made from stainless steel is just the thing for you.
Product Benefits:
- The masher fits perfectly in the collection tray, you will feel no wobbling or rattling.
- Broad, soft, horizontal handle absorbs pressure
- Fine-grid, stainless steel mashing plate yields smooth mashed potatoes
- Great for potatoes, root vegetables, and fruit
- Genuine quality product, well made.
- With this masher, you can grate your cheese, fruit and vegetables like a pro.
- You can grate you food coarsely, finely or into strips.
- You will love this masher, thanks to its quality and look